Plumbers Torrance CA

Plumbers Torrance CA

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Plumbers Torrance CA
Plumbers of Los Angeles

Plumbers Torrance CA 🌎 California 👥 +146 000
Torrance, CA, USA Plumbers
Plumbers Torrance CA, Torrance has 1.5 miles of beaches. Residential and high-tech industries city has 90 000 trees and 30 city parks and is known for its low crime rates. Los Angeles area is subject to the phenomenon of a microclimate, meaning temperatures can vary as much as 50°F between inland areas and the coast. Top employers in Torrance include the American Honda Motor Co, Honda R&D Americas and Exxon Mobil Refinery. Boundaries of Torrance include Redondo Beach Boulevard, Lawndale, Gardena, Western Avenue, Harbor Gateway, Palos Verdes Hills, Lomita, Rolling Hills Estates, Palos Verdes Estates, and Redondo Beach. 

Torrance is 11 miles from Long Beach, 19 miles from Los Angeles, and 38 miles from Malibu.

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