Plumbers Kent WA

Plumbers Kent WA

Plumbers Kent WA is a free online classifieds with compelling content and live Plumbers # hashtag feeds to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with instant results.

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Plumbers Kent WA

Plumbers Kent WA 🌎 King County, Washington 👥 +128 000 🚣 Puget Sound ᵉᵈᶦᵗ 🚢 Strait of Juan de Fuca 🌞 80°F  46°F
Plumbers Kent WA, nearby cities include Renton, Tukwila, Covington, Maple Valley, Auburn, Federal Way, Des Moines and SeaTac. Kent is divided into East Hill, the Valley and West Hill. Kent was a thriving agricultural area, but is now home to hundreds of companies such as REI, Oberto Sausage Company and Blue Origin, Boeing also operates a plant in Kent.

Kent is 20 miles from Seattle, 19 miles from Tacoma, 158 miles from Portland, and 161 miles from Vancouver in Canada.

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