Plumbers Salinas CA

Plumbers Salinas CA

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Plumbers Salinas CA

Plumbers Salinas CA 🌎 California 👥 +157 000 🌞 73°F 63°F
Salinas, CA, USA Plumbers
Plumbers Salinas CA, Salinas is 10 miles from the mouth of the Salinas Riveris. Salinas is bordered by Boronda, Spreckels, Gabilan Range, Natividad, Bolsa Knolls and Prunedale. The Mediterranean climate making it ideal for the floral industry, grape vineyards and vegetable gardens, and major employers in Salinas include Taylor Farms, Mann Packing, Hilltown Packing and Newstar Fresh Foods. The most affluent and educated neighborhoods in Salinas are Creekbrige, Laurelwood and South Salinas, where Hebbron Heights is the poorest.

Salinas is 19 miles from Monterey, 36 miles from Santa Cruz and 59 miles from San Jose.

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