Plumbers Midland TX

Plumbers Midland TX

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Plumbers Midland TX

Plumbers Midland TX 🌎 Texas 👥 +136 000 🌞 88°F  58°F
Midland, TX, USA Plumbers
Plumbers Midland TX, Midland has become an important distribution center in Texas. Midland was changed significantly by the discovery of oil in the Permian Basin in 1923, and is today nicknamed "The Tall City". Midland has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the United States. Top employers in Midland include Dawson Geophysical, Walmart, Midland College, Baker Hughes, Warren Equipment Companies and Concho Resources.

Midland is 300 miles from Fort Worth and Dallas, 400 miles from Houston and 400 miles from Oklahoma City.

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