Plumbers College Station TX

Plumbers College Station TX

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Plumbers College Station TX

Plumbers College Station TX 🌎 Brazos County, Texas 👥 +113 000
College Station, TX, USA Plumbers
Plumbers College Station TX, College Station is home to the main campus of Texas A&M University and was named the most educated city in the USA. Agricultural resources include cattle, corn, cotton, eggs, hay, sorghum and mineral Resources include sand, gravel, lignite, gas and oil. Districts in College Station include Northgate (businesses, plumbers, and apartments), Wolf Pen Creek (commercial development) and Wellborn (construction camp). Nearby cities within 31 miles include Bryan, Wixon Valley, Snook, Navasota, Somerville, Anderson, Caldwell, Hearne, and Kurten.

College Station is 96 miles from Houston, 107 miles from Austin, and 183 miles from Dallas.

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